Saturday, September 9, 2023

"Lecture on Shakespeare "

Hello, viewers !!

I am Kavita Chauhan, (sem -1)A student in Department of English, mkbu.

This Blog is part of the thinking activity. And sharping your thoughts of mind,💭 learning new something.

-Assigned by Megha Trivedi Ma'am.

∆  " Lecture on Shakespeare" by                   Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

•About the writer:-

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a Romantic poet, critic, and philosopher. He co-authored "Lyrical Ballads" with William Wordsworth, a seminal work in English poetry. Coleridge is renowned for his vivid and imaginative poems like "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and we "Kubla Khan." His literary criticism, including lectures on Shakespeare, profoundly influenced English literature. Coleridge's life was marked by creativity and intellectual exploration.

• Brief Information about William.         Shakespeare:-

William Shakespeare, born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, is an iconic figure in world literature. Renowned as a playwright, poet, and wordsmith, his enduring legacy transcends centuries. Shakespeare's unparalleled contribution to English literature includes timeless plays like "Hamlet," "Romeo and Juliet," and "Macbeth," which explore the depths of human nature. His poetic prowess, coined phrases, and exploration of universal themes have left an indelible mark on literature, language, and the arts, making him an eternal literary luminary.died in 1616in England.

Title: "Coleridge's Lecture on     Shakespear."


Samuel Taylor Coleridge, a prominent figure in the Romantic literary movement, delivered a series of lectures on William Shakespeare in the early 19th century. These lectures, collectively known as "Coleridge's Lecture on Shakespeare," provide a fascinating insight into Coleridge's interpretation of Shakespeare's works and his deep appreciation for the Bard's genius. In this blog, we will delve into Coleridge's lectures, exploring his thoughts on Shakespeare's artistry, the nature of his characters, and the enduring relevance of Shakespeare's works.

• Coleridge's Reverence for Shakespeare:

Coleridge's lectures on Shakespeare are marked by his profound reverence for the Bard. He saw Shakespeare as the supreme genius of literature, a view shared by many of his contemporaries. Coleridge believed that Shakespeare's works transcended the limitations of his time and were timeless in their appeal, a belief that still holds true today. To Coleridge, Shakespeare was not just a playwright but a literary deity whose works touched the very essence of human experience.

• Shakespeare's Characters: A Reflection of Human Nature

One of Coleridge's key insights into Shakespeare's plays was his understanding of the characters. Coleridge argued that Shakespeare's characters are not merely the product of imagination but are drawn from a profound understanding of human nature. He believed that Shakespeare's characters possess a depth and complexity that mirror the intricacies of real-life individuals. This perspective has led to the enduring fascination with Shakespeare's characters, from Hamlet's internal conflict to Lady Macbeth's unbridled ambition.

Coleridge saw Shakespeare's characters as living, breathing beings, each with their own quirks, desires, and motivations. He recognized that Shakespeare's ability to capture the multifaceted nature of humanity was unparalleled in the world of literature. Coleridge's analysis of characters like Iago, Othello, and Lear revealed the psychological depth and emotional resonance that Shak

• The Power of Shakespeare's Language:

Coleridge also emphasized the extraordinary power of Shakespeare's language. He marveled at Shakespeare's ability to create vivid and evocative imagery, to capture the subtlest nuances of emotion, and to convey the most profound ideas through his words. Coleridge's lectures highlight Shakespeare's mastery of language as a defining feature of his genius. Shakespeare's verses and dialogues, according to Coleridge, possessed a magic that could transport audiences to other worlds and ignite their imaginations.

• Shakespeare's Universal Themes:

Coleridge believed that Shakespeare's works are not confined to any particular era or culture. Instead, they explore universal themes and truths that resonate with people of all backgrounds and time periods. Whether it's the timeless themes of love, ambition, jealousy, or the complexities of human relationships, Shakespeare's plays continue to be relevant and relatable. Coleridge saw in Shakespeare a philosopher of the human condition, whose insights remain as profound today as they were in the Elizabethan era.

• Coleridge's Influence on Shakespearean Criticism:

Coleridge's lectures on Shakespeare had a profound impact on the study and interpretation of Shakespearean literature. His emphasis on the psychological depth of Shakespeare's characters, the power of his language, and the universality of his themes influenced subsequent generations of critics and scholars. Coleridge's insights helped shape the way we analyze and appreciate Shakespeare's works today.


Samuel Taylor Coleridge's lectures on Shakespeare remain a testament to the enduring power and influence of William Shakespeare's works. Through Coleridge's eyes, we gain a deeper appreciation for the Bard's genius, his profound understanding of human nature, and the timeless relevance of his plays. Coleridge's lectures continue to inspire readers, scholars, and theatergoers alike, reminding us of the enduring magic of Shakespeare's words and the profound impact of his art on the world of literature. Shakespeare, through the lens of Coleridge,continues to be a guiding light in our exploration of the human soul and the boundless possibilities of language and storytelling.

Thank you for visiting.🙂

Happy learning...🍀

•Work cited:




-british library.

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"The home and world "

  Hello viewer! I am Kavita Chauhan,a student inM.A. sem 3 in  Department of English MKBU. Thinking activity