Thursday, July 25, 2024

Digital Posters

 Hello viewer 👋

I am Kavita Chauhan, a student of sem 3 M.A. department of English m.k.b.u.

Digital Posters   

This Blog as one of the event Digital Posters making organised by us art and creative committee leaders ( me and Rahul Desai) it's also as group activity  and all our classmates participated and made digital Posters in our current study course.

And in these digital posters making we are using digital or online platform most of used canva application  this app provide most appropriate disign, infographic elements,and some latest technology  in free of course. 

Let's see all Digital Posters as below:👇 :


Thank you for visiting 😊 

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"The home and world "

  Hello viewer! I am Kavita Chauhan,a student inM.A. sem 3 in  Department of English MKBU. Thinking activity